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Our Social media policy

The @staffsbats Twitter account and @StaffordshireBatGroup Facebook page is managed by Staffordshire Bat Group. The purpose of our social media accounts is to communicate with our audience. Posts and or comments should not reveal another person's protected information, or any other information protected by existing privacy laws.

If you follow us you can expect an acceptable level of communication from a voluntary organisation, covering relevant information on our activities and upcoming events and updates on bats in the news. We do not automatically follow back new followers and being followed back does not imply endorsement of any kind. We do not automatically like, share or retweet posts and tweets where we have been mentioned and are not an endorsement.

In accordance with good practice guidelines on bats and rabies, we will not re-tweet, share or like any photographs showing bats being handled without gloves. If you wish us to retweet or share photographs of bats in the hand, they must be in gloved hands.

We welcome feedback and ideas from all our friends and endeavour to communicate with you as much as possible. However we may not be able to respond individually to all messages and may be slightly delayed in replying to queries depending upon the season. The usual way of contacting us is via e-mail (

We are a voluntary organisation doing bat work in our spare time and our committee members all have full-time jobs. We will update and monitor our social media accounts as much as possible but there will be periods when we simply don't have time.

We reserve the right, but are not obliged to block/unfollow users at any time, without prior notice, if they are deemed to be in violation of our social media policy.

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