Staffordshire Bat Group relies on members for support
As a member you receive newsletters about the group as well as invites to member's only events. Members also get free entry to any of our charged events, such as bat walks.

Standard Membership
£7 per year
Includes: Free entry to Staffordshire Bat Group bat walks, regular newsletters plus event information
Care and Rehabilitation membership
£12 per year
Includes: Standard membership plus annual care and rehabilitation newsletter and special behind the scenes information event.
This membership raises money to help fund the care and rehabilitation work of the bat group throughout the year.
Survey and bat box membership
£12 per year
Includes: Standard membership plus annual newsletter with up to date information about our bat box checks and survey results.
This membership raises money to help fund the survey and conservation work of the bat group throughout the year.
All inclusive membership
£17 per year
Includes: All of the above.
You can now join Staffordshire Bat Group by standing order
If you would like to join us and pay with PayPal, Please select the membership option you require with one of the buttons below. Please note - unlike the direct debit membership, which renews automatically every year, you will need to renew via one of these buttons each year or your membership may lapse.
It would really help if you sent us an email saying that you have sent payment via PayPal and confirm which membership type you have signed up for.
It would be even better if you put a bit in your email saying why you joined and how you heard about us.
Please send your email to -
If you prefer to send us a 'one-off' donation then "Click Here"